A Cooler Assessment of Heatwave Deaths

“Lawn watering banned: mercury 101.3” read one Toronto newspaper. “Heat kills 100 Twin Citians” titled a St-Paul newspaper. These titles are not from the current heavily discussed heatwave. They are […]

Justifying Liberalism in Singapore

The Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom rated Singapore as the most economically free country globally. Further, Transparency International ranked it as being in the top ten of least corrupt […]

Back in the USSR

Clifford Thies provides his top-ten list of Cold War songs, and it is a treat. But it is more than delightful. It’s a knockout. When I discovered the list, I […]

The Case for Paying College Athletes

St. Peter’s University’s run of upsets wasn’t the only storyline from this year’s March Madness tournament. The other is that the Memphis Tigers men’s basketball team is in trouble for allegedly paying […]