Money and the Constitution

Ratified between 1771 and 1781, the Articles of Confederation remained in force until they were superseded by the Constitution in 1788. In force for seven years, the Articles formalized some […]

Eyes on the Politicized Prize

The selection of economist David Card as co-recipient of the 2021 Nobel memorial prize for Economics has, curiously, revived an old story about a war of words from another laureate. […]

When Grand Histories Go Wrong

Last spring, I picked up Philip Coggan’s More: The 10,000-Year Rise of the World Economy. It looked like one of those big-picture stories I love, about where human societies came […]

Is It Time to Rethink Labor Day?

Labor Day was first celebrated nationally in 1882. It came into existence amidst an era of rapid industrialization and urbanization. Designed specifically to herald and thank the working man (and […]