In what many have dubbed “The Great Resignation,” millions of workers have quit the labor force, creating one of the biggest labor shortages in American history. By December 2021, three […]
Tag: Immigration
Where Do The Savings Go?
Innovation and exchange can be frustratingly uninspiring, particularly given that there are concentrated, vivid costs (in the form of lost jobs and struggling communities) and benefits dispersed across millions of […]
High Wages in Markets Are a Result Of – and a Reflection Of – High Worker Productivity
Among the many recurring myths about free trade is that a country, especially a high-wage country such as the United States, can one day find itself the high-cost producer of […]
Immigration and the Open Society
Freedom is “in some way a very ordinary thing, consisting in not being hindered or obstructed in the pursuit of our everyday ends, or watched as we go about our […]
New Jersey: Yet Another Reminder of How Good Americans Have It
That was the answer to a question posed Sunday to an Uber driver in Westfield, NJ. The question to this British immigrant was, “What brought you here?” It’s worth repeating […]