Each year, Americans pay tax preparers billions of dollars to file our taxes. Though 70 percent of us qualify to file our taxes for free, few of us do. Part […]
Tag: Taxation
Tax Day: Inverting the Experience
Most people experience “tax day” in perfect inversion of its reality. 3 of 4 Americans will get a tax refund from the IRS this year, for an average of $2,933. […]
Patrick Henry’s Stamp Act Resolutions
On May 29, 1765, Patrick Henry offered five resolutions on the floor of the Virginia House of Burgesses in response to the much-reviled Stamp Act, which had followed on the […]
Tax Strike!
As the deadline to file individual federal income taxes looms, some readers might wonder if they receive sufficient services in return for what they pay. Over the centuries, many Americans […]
Why Progressive Taxes Are Especially Harmful to Productivity and Harm the Poor
Included in President Joe Biden’s recently released budget proposal are several tax increases, among them an increase to the top marginal income tax rate. While the rate change, from 37 […]
Let’s Cut the Budget Nonsense
The Biden administration has floated another bloated budget, one that will put the US national debt at $43.6 trillion by 2033, assuming its optimistic growth and interest-rate projections pan out […]
The Biden Budget: Smoke, Mirrors, and Class Warfare
As an academic economist, my job is to pursue the truth, so I am always flummoxed by the rhetoric coming out of that great regulatory factory on the Potomac, belching […]
What To Do About Deficits, Debt
Federal budget hawks are in a pickle. Having predicted nine out of the last zero debt crises, those of us worried about the trajectory of US government spending have the […]
Taxation in the Data Economy: The ‘Invisible’ Competition
The individual is both the creator and user of her own data. Companies collect personal data, use it for various purposes like improving products and anticipating consumer behavior, and return […]
Taxes, Special Privileges, and “Private Enterprise”
Perhaps the most common misunderstanding of the case for cutting taxes is that the benefits of tax cuts are reaped overwhelmingly by those individuals whose taxes are cut. Because a […]